NYC 311 Open Data
May 13, 2017
NYC Open Data includes data on 311 Service Requests .
I used at this dataset to look at complaint types:
over time
by month
by borough
time of day.
I looked at data from 2013 to May 2017.
Biggest Complaint
There were 275 different complaint types. The most frequent complaint during this time period was Residental Noise, with 848,649 complaints.
biggest_complaint <- ( table ( df_comb2 $ Complaint.Type ))
biggest_complaint1 <- biggest_complaint %>%
arrange ( desc ( Freq ))
## A tibble: 275 x 2
## Var1 Freq
## <fctr> <int>
## 1 Noise - Residential 848649
## 2 HEAT/HOT WATER 688968
## 3 Street Condition 444825
## 4 Street Light Condition 404171
## 5 Blocked Driveway 401503
## 6 Illegal Parking 369456
## 7 HEATING 300493
## 8 PLUMBING 276949
## 9 Water System 273922
## ... with 265 more rows
Complaints by Month
Heat/Hot Water was the biggest complaints for the winter months (Jan-March, Nov-Dec). Residential Noise was the biggest complaint for the other months, April to October.
January had the most complaints, and October had the least, from 2013 to May 2017.
month3.1 <- month1 %>%
group_by ( Var1 , Var2 ) %>%
summarise ( freq = sum ( Freq )) %>%
arrange ( Var2 , desc ( freq ))
tbl_df ( month3.1 )
month3.2 <- month3.1 [ ! duplicated ( month3.1 $ Var2 ), ]
tbl_df ( month3.2 )
## A tibble: 12 x 4
## Var1 Var2 variable value
## <fctr> <fctr> <fctr> <int>
##1 HEAT/HOT WATER 01 freq 131518
##2 HEAT/HOT WATER 02 freq 111072
##3 HEAT/HOT WATER 03 freq 86287
##4 Noise - Residential 04 freq 81390
##5 Noise - Residential 05 freq 84272
##6 Noise - Residential 06 freq 73153
##7 Noise - Residential 07 freq 67008
##8 Noise - Residential 08 freq 71881
##9 Noise - Residential 09 freq 70231
##10 Noise - Residential 10 freq 64903
##11 HEAT/HOT WATER 11 freq 98520
##12 HEAT/HOT WATER 12 freq 96917
Time of day
Complaints were filed mostly in the morning in 2013 and 2014, but in 2015, 2016, and YTD 2017, complaints are filed more in the afternoon.
## Get complaint types by morning or afternoon
am_pm <- ( table ( df_comb2 $ am_pm1 , df_comb2 $ year ))
str ( am_pm )
## Group by year and complaint type, and sum number of complaints
am_pm1 <- am_pm %>%
group_by ( Var1 , Var2 ) %>%
summarise ( frequency = sum ( Freq ))
head ( am_pm1 )
## Plot complaints by time of day
ggplot ( data = am_pm1 , aes ( x = Var2 , y = frequency , fill = Var1 )) +
geom_bar ( stat = "identity" , position = position_dodge ()) + theme ( axis.text.x = element_text ( angle = 45 , hjust = 1 ))
Complaint with Biggest Increase
The complaint with the biggest percentage increase from 2013 to 2016 was Homeless Person Assistance, which increased by 9,923.5%, from 456 in 2013 to 45,707 complaint in 2016.
## Look at the number of each type of complaint per year
year.comp_type <- ( table ( df_comb2 $ year , df_comb2 $ Complaint.Type ))
## Reshape from long to wide format
year.comp_type.long <- spread ( year.comp_type , Var1 , Freq )
## Get row sums (total for each complaint)
year.comp_type.long1 $ sum <- rowSums ( year.comp_type.long1 [ 2 : 6 ])
## Get percentage change of each complaint type, from 2013 to 2016
year.comp_type.long1 $ perc.change <- (( year.comp_type.long1 $ `2016` - year.comp_type.long1 $ `2013` ) / year.comp_type.long1 $ `2013` ) * 100
## Replace percentage changes of NaN with 0
year.comp_type.long1 $ perc.change <- gsub ( "NaN" , "0" , year.comp_type.long1 $ perc.change )
## Replace percentage changes of Inf with 1
year.comp_type.long1 $ perc.change <- gsub ( "Inf" , "1" , year.comp_type.long1 $ perc.change )
## Sort data descending by percentage change, and keep only the top five rows
year.comp_type.long_top5_percChange <- year.comp_type.long1 %>%
arrange ( desc ( `perc.change` )) %>%
slice ( 1 : 5 ) %>%
select ( - `2017` , - sum )
## Reshape data from wide to long
year.comp_type.long_top5_percChange.long <- melt ( year.comp_type.long_top5_percChange )
## Create bar chart showing change in complaint types over year, for complaint types with five highest percentage changes
ggplot ( data = year.comp_type.long_top5_percChange.long , aes ( x = variable , y = value , group = Var2 , color = Var2 )) +
geom_line () +
geom_point ()
## A tibble: 5 x 6
## Var2 2013 2014 2015 2016 perc.change
## <fctr> <int> <int> <int> <int> <chr>
## 1 Homeless Person Assistance 456 1883 6505 45707 9923.4649122807
## 2 Non-Emergency Police Matter 4648 6744 7506 9223 98.4294320137694
## 3 DOF Property - Property Value 110 199 119 216 96.3636363636364
## 4 Posting Advertisement 106 120 681 1100 937.735849056604
5## Unsanitary Animal Pvt Property 1996 2108 2329 2181 9.2685370741483
Brooklyn had the most complaints, with 2,834,130 complaints, followed by Queens, Manhattan, the Bronx, and Staten Island.
complaint_borough_summary <- ( table ( df_comb2 $ Borough ))
complaint_borough_summary1 <- complaint_borough_summary %>%
arrange ( desc ( Freq ))
tbl_df ( complaint_borough_summary1 )
# A tibble: 6 x 2
Var1 Freq
<fctr> <int>
1 BROOKLYN 2834130
2 QUEENS 2079916
3 MANHATTAN 1971470
4 BRONX 1746389
6 Unspecified 368803
The biggest complaints by borough were:
Residential Noise in Brooklyn and Manhattan (256,618 in Brooklyn, 196,582 in Manhattan);
Heat/Hot Water in the Bronx (225,871 complaints;
Blocked Driveway in Queens (164,471 complaints);
Streen condition in Staten Island (58,964 complaints)
# Get frequency of each complaint type by borough
b1 <- ( table ( df_comb2 $ Borough , df_comb2 $ Complaint.Type ))
## Group and Sum
b2 <- b1 %>%
group_by ( Var1 , Var2 ) %>%
summarise ( Frequency = sum ( Freq ))
b3 <- b2 %>%
arrange ( Var1 , desc ( Frequency ))
## Get the Bronx's top five complaints, and add back in the number of those complaints for the other boroughs (the inner join)
b3_bronx1 <- b3 %>%
filter ( Var1 == "BRONX" ) %>%
arrange ( desc ( Frequency )) %>%
slice ( 1 : 5 )
tbl_df ( b3_bronx1 )
b3_bronx <- b3 %>%
filter ( Var1 == "BRONX" ) %>%
arrange ( desc ( Frequency )) %>%
slice ( 1 : 5 ) %>%
inner_join ( b2 , by = c ( "Var2" ))
## A tibble: 5 x 3
## Var1 Var2 Frequency
## <fctr> <fctr> <int>
##2 BRONX Noise - Residential 205636
##3 BRONX HEATING 102574
##5 BRONX Street Light Condition 77134
## Get Brooklyn's top five complaints, and add back in the number of those complaints for the other boroughs (the inner join)
b3_brooklyn <- b3 %>%
filter ( Var1 == "BROOKLYN" ) %>%
arrange ( desc ( Frequency )) %>%
slice ( 1 : 5 ) %>%
inner_join ( b2 , by = c ( "Var2" ))
## Plot Brooklyn's top 5 complaints
ggplot ( data = b3_brooklyn , aes ( x = Var2 , y = Frequency.y , fill = Var1.y )) +
geom_bar ( stat = "identity" , position = position_dodge ())
## A tibble: 5 x 3
## Var1 Var2 Frequency
## <fctr> <fctr> <int>
##1 BROOKLYN Noise - Residential 256618
##3 BROOKLYN Blocked Driveway 146749
##4 BROOKLYN Illegal Parking 135967
##5 BROOKLYN Street Condition 124929
## Get Manhattan's top five complaints, and add back in the number of those complaints for the other boroughs (the inner join)
b3_manh <- b3 %>%
filter ( Var1 == "MANHATTAN" ) %>%
arrange ( desc ( Frequency )) %>%
slice ( 1 : 5 ) %>%
inner_join ( b2 , by = c ( "Var2" ))
## Get Queen's top five complaints, and add back in the number of those complaints for the other boroughs (the inner join)
b3_queens <- b3 %>%
filter ( Var1 == "QUEENS" ) %>%
arrange ( desc ( Frequency )) %>%
slice ( 1 : 5 ) %>%
inner_join ( b2 , by = c ( "Var2" ))
## A tibble: 5 x 3
## Var1 Var2 Frequency
## <fctr> <fctr> <int>
##1 QUEENS Blocked Driveway 164471
##2 QUEENS Noise - Residential 162566
##3 QUEENS Street Condition 137251
##4 QUEENS Street Light Condition 127942
##5 QUEENS Illegal Parking 108240
Staten Island
## Get Staten Island's top five complaints, and add back in the number of those complaints for the other boroughs (the inner join)
b3_si <- b3 %>%
filter ( Var1 == "STATEN ISLAND" ) %>%
arrange ( desc ( Frequency )) %>%
slice ( 1 : 5 ) %>%
inner_join ( b2 , by = c ( "Var2" ))
Borough Comparison
## Combine all top 5's together
borough_top5 <- rbind ( b3_bronx , b3_brooklyn , b3_manh , b3_queens , b3_si )
# borough_top5_1 <- borough_top5 %>%
# inner_join(b2, by=c("Var2"))
## Plot all boroughs' top 5 complaints
ggplot ( data = borough_top5_1 , aes ( x = Var2 , y = Frequency.y , fill = Var1.y )) +
geom_bar ( stat = "identity" , position = position_dodge ()) + theme ( axis.text.x = element_text ( angle = 45 , hjust = 1 )) + facet_grid ( Var1.y ~ . )
Get Data!
To get the data summarized above, here is the set up.
library ( RCurl )
library ( dplyr )
library ( stringr )
library ( reshape )
library ( tidyr )
library ( ggplot2 )
## Read Files
df2017ytd <- read.csv ( "311_Service_Requests_from_2010_to_Present (2).csv" )
df2016 <- read.csv ( "311_Service_Requests_from_2010_to_Present.csv" )
df2013 <- read.csv ( "311_Service_Requests_from_2013.csv" )
df2014 <- read.csv ( "311_Service_Requests_from_2014 2.csv" )
df2015 <- read.csv ( "311_Service_Requests_from_2015.csv" )
## Combine Files
df_comb <- rbind ( df2014 , df2015 , df2016 , df2017ytd )
df_comb1 <- rbind ( df_comb , df2013 )
## Split date column to month, day, year, time, and AM/PM
df_comb1 $ month <- sapply ( strsplit ( as.character ( df_comb1 $ Created.Date ), '/' ), "[" , 1 )
df_comb1 $ day <- sapply ( strsplit ( as.character ( df_comb1 $ Created.Date ), '/' ), "[" , 2 )
df_comb1 $ year <- sapply ( strsplit ( as.character ( df_comb1 $ Created.Date ), '/' ), "[" , 3 )
df_comb1 $ time <- sapply ( strsplit ( as.character ( df_comb1 $ Created.Date ), ' ' ), "[" , 1 )
df_comb1 $ am_pm <- sapply ( strsplit ( as.character ( df_comb1 $ Created.Date ), ' ' ), "[" , 2 )
df_comb1 $ am_pm1 <- sapply ( strsplit ( as.character ( df_comb1 $ Created.Date ), ' ' ), "[" , 3 )
## Get only columns needed
df_comb2 <- df_comb1 [ c ( 1 : 9 , 17 , 19 , 25 , 54 : 57 , 59 : 60 )]
## Replace NA's to 0's
df_comb2 [ ( df_comb2 )] <- 0
## A tibble: 9,445,206 x 18
## Unique.Key Created.Date Closed.Date Agency
##* <int> <fctr> <fctr> <fctr>
##1 28457271 07/11/2014 03:08:58 PM 08/05/2014 12:41:37 PM DOT
##2 28644314 08/08/2014 02:06:22 PM 08/12/2014 11:33:34 AM DCA
##3 29306886 11/18/2014 12:52:40 AM 11/18/2014 01:35:22 AM NYPD
##4 28907593 09/18/2014 01:45:51 PM 09/22/2014 02:43:43 PM FDNY
##5 28908228 09/18/2014 06:43:00 PM 09/18/2014 06:43:57 PM HRA
##6 29423275 12/04/2014 12:45:08 AM 12/04/2014 07:22:41 AM NYPD
##7 29419044 12/03/2014 02:08:52 PM 12/03/2014 05:23:13 PM NYPD
##8 27768554 04/02/2014 07:46:56 PM 04/03/2014 08:00:27 AM DOT
##9 28254593 06/13/2014 03:17:13 PM 07/22/2014 12:22:11 PM DOHMH
##10 27982973 05/05/2014 11:42:00 AM 05/12/2014 10:47:32 AM DOT
### ... with 9,445,196 more rows, and 14 more variables: Agency.Name <fctr>, Complaint.Type <fctr>,
### Descriptor <fctr>, Location.Type <fctr>, Incident.Zip <fctr>, City <fctr>, Facility.Type <fctr>,
### Borough <fctr>, month <chr>, day <chr>, year <chr>, time <chr>, am_pm <chr>, am_pm1 <chr>