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R for Data Science 4.2.5 Exercises

From R for Data Science

Exercises 4.2.5

1-In a single pipeline for each condition, find all flights that meet the condition:

Had an arrival delay of two or more hours

> flights |>
+     filter(arr_delay >=120)

Flew to Houston (IAH or HOU)

> flights |>
+     filter(dest %in% c("IAH","HOU"))

Were operated by United, American, or Delta

> unique(flights$carrier)
 [1] "UA" "AA" "B6" "DL" "EV" "MQ" "US" "WN" "VX" "FL" "AS" "9E" "F9" "HA" "YV" "OO"
> flights |>
+     filter(carrier %in% c("UA", "AA", "DL"))

Departed in summer (July, August, and September)

> flights |>
+     filter(month %in% c(7,8,9))

Arrived more than two hours late, but didn’t leave late

> flights |>
+     filter(arr_delay >120 & dep_delay <=0)

Were delayed by at least an hour, but made up over 30 minutes in flight

> flights |>
+     filter(dep_delay >=60 & air_time > 30)

Sort flights to find the flights with longest departure delays.

> flights |>
+     arrange(desc(dep_delay))

Find the flights that left earliest in the morning. **

> sort(unique(flights$hour))
 [1]  1  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

> q1p1 <- flights |> filter(hour >=1 & hour <=9)

2-Sort flights to find the fastest flights. (Hint: Try including a math calculation inside of your function.)

> q1p2 <- flights |> arrange(air_time/distance)

3-Was there a flight on every day of 2013? Yes

> flights |> count(year,month,day)
# A tibble: 365 × 4

4-Which flights traveled the farthest distance? Which traveled the least distance?

> sort(unique(flights$distance))
  [1]   17   80   94   96  116  143  160  169  173  184  185  187  195  198  199  200  209  212  213  214  228  229
 [23]  246  254  258  264  266  269  273  277  282  284  288  290  292  296  301  305  319  335  340  378  397  404
 [45]  416  419  425  427  431  444  445  461  463  479  483  488  500  502  509  529  533  541  544  549  550  563
 [67]  569  583  585  589  594  599  602  604  605  610  617  618  628  631  636  637  641  642  644  645  647  651
 [89]  655  659  660  662  665  708  711  719  722  725  733  738  740  745  746  748  760  762  764  765  799  812
[111]  820  828  833  865  866  872  888  892  937  944  946  950  963  964  997 1005 1008 1010 1017 1020 1023 1028
[133] 1029 1031 1035 1041 1047 1065 1068 1069 1074 1076 1080 1085 1089 1092 1096 1107 1113 1131 1134 1147 1148 1167
[155] 1182 1183 1207 1215 1325 1372 1389 1391 1400 1411 1416 1417 1428 1504 1521 1569 1576 1585 1587 1598 1605 1608
[177] 1617 1620 1623 1626 1634 1725 1726 1728 1746 1747 1795 1826 1874 1882 1894 1969 1990 2133 2153 2227 2248 2378
[199] 2402 2422 2425 2434 2446 2454 2465 2475 2521 2565 2569 2576 2586 3370 4963 4983
> flights |> 
+     filter(distance >=1000) |>
+     arrange(desc(distance))

5-Does it matter what order you used filter() and arrange() if you’re using both? Why/why not? Think about the results and how much work the functions would have to do.

Yes, because if using arrange first, more time would be spent sorting more data, whereas using filter first would take less time because less data is being arranged