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A Look at Hacker News Data

I decided to take a look at Hacker News data on Google BigQuery. This post gave me ideas of data to pull, and an idea of the type of SQL queries I could run.

I pulled the data with SQL queries, and used R to take a longitudinal look at domains with the most stories, from 2006 to 2017 year-to-date.And I used R’s TidyText package to do a pretty terse sentiment analysis of story titles for top stories by score; and again used the method from this post.

Domains with Most Stories, 2006 to May 2017

I got count of stories by domain for each year, from 2006 to 2017 year-to-date.

 REGEXP_EXTRACT(url, '//([^/]*)/?') domain
 , COUNT(*) c

 FROM `bigquery-public-data.hacker_news.full`
 WHERE url!='' 
 GROUP BY domain ORDER BY c desc LIMIT 10


I read in the data :

fj3.1 <- read.csv("results-20170527-004428.csv")

A look at the resulting dataframe:

> tbl_df(fj3.1)

# A tibble: 10 x 2
                domain     c
                <fctr> <int>
1  55751
2  47725
3 45760
4 31056
5 30675
6 18685
7 14684
8 11874
9 10968
10 10705

Here’s a bar chart of the top 10 domains, from 2006 to 5/25/2017, by story count:


Github had the most stories submitted, with 55,751 stories submitted. Medium and Youtube were close behind. The Top five all are pretty close in story count. There’s a big drop-off after the top 5 (after the NY Times), with having 49% (11,990) fewer stories than the NY Times.

Most Popular 2017 Domains and Change over Time

I looked at the 2017 YTD (May 2017) top 10 domains in Hacker News by count of stories, and how these domains have compared in the previous years, beginning with 2017.

First I ran this query to get the count of stories by the ten most popular domains in 2017.

 REGEXP_EXTRACT(url, '//([^/]*)/?') domain
 , COUNT(*) c
 , EXTRACT(YEAR FROM timestamp) y
 FROM `bigquery-public-data.hacker_news.full`
 WHERE url!='' AND EXTRACT(YEAR FROM timestamp) = 2006
 GROUP BY domain, y ORDER BY c desc LIMIT 10

Then I read in the results.

f2017 <- read.csv("results-20170522-132414.csv")

Here is a look at the results:


# A tibble: 10 x 3
                domain     c     y
                <fctr> <int> <int>
1   7388  2017
2   6384  2017
3  3836  2017
4  2357  2017
5  1676  2017
6  1495  2017
7  1320  2017
8  1306  2017
9     1099  2017
10  1013  2017

I then pulled the counts for each of these ten domains, by year.

 REGEXP_EXTRACT(url, '//([^/]*)/?') domain
 , COUNT(*) c
 , EXTRACT(YEAR FROM timestamp) y
 FROM `bigquery-public-data.hacker_news.full`
 WHERE REGEXP_EXTRACT(url, '//([^/]*)/?') in ('', '', '', '', '', '', '',
                                              '', '', '')
 GROUP BY domain, y ORDER BY c desc 

I read in the data and arranged it ascending by year.

fj2 <- read.csv("results-20170522-133430.csv")

fj2 <- fj2 %>%


Here are some of the results:

# A tibble: 90 x 3
              domain     c     y
              <fctr> <int> <int>
1     9  2006
2   474  2007
3   122  2007
4    99  2007
5    12  2007
6  1650  2008
7   534  2008
8   326  2008
9    99  2008
10    66  2008

This line chart shows the change in count of stories by each top 10 2017 domain, from 2006 to May 2017.

ggplot(data=fj2, aes(x=y, y=c, group=domain, colour=domain)) +
  geom_line() +


Sentiment Analysis on Top Stories’ Titles by Score

I then pulled the top 100 stories by score for each year, and used the TidyText package to compare sentiments expressed in the top stories for each year.

It looks like more negative emotions of anger and fear have shown increases in 2017 compared to other years, and negative sentiments are already higher not even halfway through the year, than they were in 2016. Negative sentiments in top story titles are higher in 2017 than in all of the previous years. Positive sentiments, on the other hand, are the least in 2017 compared to all other years.

First, I ran this SQL query for each year from 2006 to 2017:

 SELECT title
 ,EXTRACT(YEAR FROM timestamp) year
 FROM  `bigquery-public-data.hacker_news.full`
 WHERE type = "story" and EXTRACT(YEAR FROM timestamp) = 2006 --> update year
 ORDER BY score desc
 LIMIT 100

I then read in the data:

s2017 <- read.csv("results-20170522-135935.csv")
s2016 <- read.csv("results-20170522-135950.csv")tbl_df(s2016)
s2015 <- read.csv("results-20170522-135957.csv")
s2014 <- read.csv("results-20170522-140005.csv")
s2013 <- read.csv("results-20170522-140012.csv")
s2012 <- read.csv("results-20170522-140019.csv")
s2011 <- read.csv("results-20170522-140026.csv")
s2010 <- read.csv("results-20170522-140035.csv")
s2009 <- read.csv("results-20170522-140044.csv")
s2008 <- read.csv("results-20170522-140053.csv")
s2007 <- read.csv("results-20170522-140100.csv")
s2006 <- read.csv("results-20170522-140109.csv")

I then got the list of words and their associated sentiments and emotions from the TidyText package:

nrc <- sentiments %>%
  filter(lexicon == "nrc") %>%
  dplyr::select(word, sentiment)

I then got only the words from the titles for each included story, for each year. Then I joined this table with the nrc dataframe, to associate each word included with the NRC sentiment/emotion table. I then counted the number of words associated with each sentiment/emotion.

s06 <- s2006 %>%
  filter(!str_detect(title, '^"')) %>%
  unnest_tokens(word, title, token = "regex") %>%
  filter(!word %in% stop_words$word,
         str_detect(word, "[a-z]")) %>%

s06_1 <- s06 %>%
  inner_join(nrc, by = "word")

I did this for each year, and combined them into one dataframe, joining on sentiment.

sall_1 <- s06_2 %>%
            inner_join(s07_2, by="x") %>%
            inner_join(s08_2, by="x") %>%
            inner_join(s09_2, by="x") %>%
            inner_join(s10_2, by="x") %>%
            inner_join(s11_2, by="x") %>%
            inner_join(s12_2, by="x") %>%
            inner_join(s13_2, by="x") %>%
            inner_join(s14_2, by="x") %>%
            inner_join(s15_2, by="x") %>%
            inner_join(s16_2, by="x") %>%
            inner_join(s17_2, by="x") 

names(sall_1)[2] <- '2006'
names(sall_1)[3] <- '2007'
names(sall_1)[4] <- '2008'
names(sall_1)[5] <- '2009'
names(sall_1)[6] <- '2010'
names(sall_1)[7] <- '2011'
names(sall_1)[8] <- '2012'
names(sall_1)[9] <- '2013'
names(sall_1)[10] <- '2014'
names(sall_1)[11] <- '2015'
names(sall_1)[12] <- '2016'
names(sall_1)[13] <- '2017'

Here is what the data looks like:

> tbl_df(sall_1)
# A tibble: 9 x 13
             x  2006  2007  2008  2009  2010  2011  2012  2013  2014  2015  2016
         <chr> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
1        anger     2     7     9     8    14    11    17    11    14     5     6
2 anticipation    13    16    20    16    20    11     9     8    13    11    14
3         fear     2     8    11     9    12    16    15    20    15    11    13
4          joy     7    13    13     9    10     2     7     7     5     7    15
5     negative     4    14    19    23    20    23    25    25    22    16    26
6     positive    21    38    31    29    28    23    21    26    26    23    44
7      sadness     1     5    11    11     9    15    14    11    12     4    17
8     surprise     8     4     7     6     7     5     3     4     5     2     6
9        trust    10    29    19    18    20    17    13    20    11    15    26
# ... with 1 more variables: 2017 <int>

I reshaped the data from wide to long format to create a bar chart:

sall_2 <- melt(sall_1)

sall_2 <- sall_2 %>%
# A tibble: 108 x 3
       x variable value
   <chr>   <fctr> <int>
1  anger     2006     2
2  anger     2007     7
3  anger     2008     9
4  anger     2009     8
5  anger     2010    14
6  anger     2011    11
7  anger     2012    17
8  anger     2013    11
9  anger     2014    14
10 anger     2015     5
# ... with 98 more rows

This bar chart creates a face for each sentiment, with one bar for each year:

ggplot(data=sall_2, aes(x=variable, y=value, fill=variable)) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity", position=position_dodge()) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=45, hjust=1)) + 
  theme(plot.margin = unit(c(0,0,0,3), "cm")) + facet_grid( x ~ .)


This stacked bar chart groups each sentiment onto one rung of the x axis, by year.

ggplot(data=sall_2, aes(x=x, y=value, fill=variable)) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity", position=position_dodge()) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=45, hjust=1)) + 
  theme(plot.margin = unit(c(0,0,0,3), "cm")) 


I then wanted to see if there was a difference in sentiments between the bottom 10 of the top 100 for each year, and the top ten scores for each year, from 2006 to 2017.

First, I took the top 10 from the top 100 for each year:

a1 <- s2006 %>%
        arrange(desc(score)) %>%

I did this for each year, and combined them:

a14 <- rbind(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13)

Because I now had the top ten stories by score for each year, I graphed it to see what the score range was for each year in the dataset.

a15 <- a14[c(2,3)]
> tbl_df(a15)
# A tibble: 130 x 2
   score   year
*  <int> <fctr>
1     61   2006
2     16   2006
3     12   2006
4     12   2006
5     11   2006
6     10   2006
7      9   2006
8      9   2006
9      8   2006
10     7   2006
# ... with 120 more rows

The biggest range was in 2016, and the second-biggest range was in 2011.


I then did got the words out of the top 10 stories by score for each year, and merged that with the NRC dataset, and counted the sentiments for these stories.

a16 <- a14 %>%
  filter(!str_detect(title, '^"')) %>%
  unnest_tokens(word, title, token = "regex") %>%
  filter(!word %in% stop_words$word,
         str_detect(word, "[a-z]")) %>%

a17 <- a16 %>%
  inner_join(nrc, by = "word")

a17_1 <- count(a17$sentiment)

a17_1$perc_top <- a17_1$freq / sum(a17_1$freq)
# A tibble: 10 x 3
              x  freq   perc_top
         <fctr> <int>      <dbl>
1         anger    15 0.09803922
2  anticipation    13 0.08496732
3       disgust    12 0.07843137
4          fear    16 0.10457516
5           joy     6 0.03921569
6      negative    28 0.18300654
7      positive    27 0.17647059
8       sadness    14 0.09150327
9      surprise     3 0.01960784
10        trust    19 0.12418301

I then got the bottom ten scores for each year:

b1 <- s2006 %>%
  arrange(score) %>%

I did this for each year, then combined them; and then I merged these bottom ten with the top ten for each year.

b14 <- rbind(b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8, b9, b10, b11, b12, b13)

I looked at the range for these bottom ten out of the top 100 stories by score. The range is much smaller than that for the top stories by score:


I then got just the words out of the titles of the stories, merged those words with the NRC datasets to get the sentiment/emotion for each word, and counted the number of words for each sentiment/emotion.

b16 <- b14 %>%
  filter(!str_detect(title, '^"')) %>%
  unnest_tokens(word, title, token = "regex") %>%
  filter(!word %in% stop_words$word,
         str_detect(word, "[a-z]")) %>%

b17 <- b16 %>%
  inner_join(nrc, by = "word")


b17_1 <- count(b17$sentiment)


b17_1$perc_bottom <- b17_1$freq / sum(b17_1$freq)

> tbl_df(b17_1)
# A tibble: 10 x 3
              x  freq perc_bottom
         <fctr> <int>       <dbl>
1         anger    20  0.09478673
2  anticipation    17  0.08056872
3       disgust    13  0.06161137
4          fear    17  0.08056872
5           joy    14  0.06635071
6      negative    31  0.14691943
7      positive    39  0.18483412
8       sadness    14  0.06635071
9      surprise     9  0.04265403
10        trust    37  0.17535545

I combined the a17_1 dataframe with the sentiments for the top ten stories, with the b17_1 dataframe, with the sentiments for the bottom ten out of the top 100 stories.

I reshaped the data to be able to create the bar chart comparing the sentiments between the two stories.

ab1 <- a17_1 %>%
        inner_join(b17_1, by="x")

ab1_1 <- ab1[c(1,3,5)]

ab2 <- melt(ab1_1)


ab2$variable <-  gsub('perc_top', 'top_10',ab2$variable )
ab2$variable <-  gsub('perc_bottom', 'bottom_10',ab2$variable )
# A tibble: 20 x 3
              x  variable      value
         <fctr>     <chr>      <dbl>
1         anger    top_10 0.09803922
2  anticipation    top_10 0.08496732
3       disgust    top_10 0.07843137
4          fear    top_10 0.10457516
5           joy    top_10 0.03921569
6      negative    top_10 0.18300654
7      positive    top_10 0.17647059
8       sadness    top_10 0.09150327
9      surprise    top_10 0.01960784
10        trust    top_10 0.12418301
11        anger bottom_10 0.09478673
12 anticipation bottom_10 0.08056872
13      disgust bottom_10 0.06161137
14         fear bottom_10 0.08056872
15          joy bottom_10 0.06635071
16     negative bottom_10 0.14691943
17     positive bottom_10 0.18483412
18      sadness bottom_10 0.06635071
19     surprise bottom_10 0.04265403
20        trust bottom_10 0.17535545


It looks like the top 10 stories were more negative and had more negative emotions than the bottom ten out of the top 100 stories.

The top 10 stories were higher in anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, and sadness. It was higher in the negative sentiments.

The bottom 10 stories were higher in positive sentiments and emotions of joy, surprise, and trust.